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Checking Weight


Broward county weight loss programs

Adult Weight Loss Program

Our adult weight loss program involves a combination of FDA approved prescription medications and natural supplements combined with diet and exercise. The main effects of the medications are to decrease overall appetite and cravings while increasing an individual’s metabolism and energy level. Individuals will not only feel less hungry, but will also feel full quicker from their meals and hence eat smaller portions. There are no frozen or boxed foods, we believe our patients should be eating real food, just making smarter choices and eating smaller portions. Consumption of regular food makes the transition from weight loss to maintenance much easier, as individuals will be eating the same types of food during the program. You will see the doctor on the first office visit as part of your initial evaluation, as well as, throughout your weight loss journey. This is an important element of losing weight because each person's program is designed specifically for their individual needs. We do not use a generic formula, sometimes the medications, diet or exercise program must be changed in order to keep achieving optimum results. There is no “one size fits all” model that works for everyone and this makes the continual doctor evaluation so  important to help people reach their goal weight no matter what obstacle presents itself. 

Semaglutide Weight Loss Program

What is semaglutide and how does it work? Semaglutideis a medication that was originally developed to treat people with diabetes. During its development, it was observed that patients were not only controlling their sugar better but also experiencing weight loss, hence it is now marketed as both a diabetic treatment and weight loss drug. The weight loss effects observed with semaglutideare experienced in both diabetic and nondiabetic individuals (so you do not have to be diabetic to obtain its benefit). It has several mechanisms that are believed to be responsible for weight loss. One is the ability to slow gastric emptying (essentially this means to slow how fast the stomach empties or processes food), which inturnleads to patients getting fuller quicker from a meal and eating smaller portions. Secondly, it diminishes a person’s overall appetite by affecting areas in the brain associated with calorie intake, which in turn leads to less food consumption. The medication is administered once a week under the skin via a small injection that is painless. We couple our semaglutide program with B12 shots administered once every two weeks in the office. Patients are placed on a moderate diet and exercise program.

Semaglutide Injections near me
Children Weight Loss program pembroke pines

Kids Weight Loss Program

The kid’s weight loss program is similar to the adult, in that aspect that is also physician supervised. The doctor will provide education on nutrition and exercise, as well as, utilize a combination of medications to help decrease appetite and cravings. This in turn will help kids feel satisfied while eating smaller portions. The goal is for kids to eat less and still feel satisfied rather than struggling with hunger throughout the day. Exercise and healthy eating are critical for all the kids that enroll into the program in order to start instilling lifelong healthy habits. Although we provide many of the critical tools needed to help initiate and continue the weight loss process, having the family involved is of the utmost importance. If the child is trying to follow a healthier lifestyle and the rest of the family is not, getting long lasting results will be extremely difficult. The doctor takes great pride in restoring a kids self esteem as they are losing weight and commence a path towards a healthier lifestyle.

Maintenance Weight loss program

Dr. Valdes is proud to introduce his all new weight maintenance formula that was developed to help patients keep their weight off once they achieve their goal weight! Our program is designed for the long-term to help you maintain long lasting results! This single capsule will help take the edge off your appetite and cravings after you have completed the standard weight loss program. Simultaneously we shift the nutritional and exercise recommendations with the intent to maintain a healthy and lifestyle in order to improve your chances for success. It is important to realize that what we eat and what type of exercise we do will change depending on if someone needs to lose weight or just wants to maintain. 

South Florida Wellness
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