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High Fructose Corn Syrup – Hidden in our Food Supply

Updated: Jan 7

In the previous article written on high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), we discussed that HFCS is a highly processed, cheaper alternative sugar substitute used in the food industry. Although there have been many claims that it is not dangerous and behaves essentially like natural table sugar, there have been numerous studies showing that the opposite is true. HFCS raises an individual’s sugar in their blood after ingesting it, much quicker and higher than standard table sugar which causes a larger insulin response. These characteristics are one of the ways that HFCS has been proven to cause obesity and all its sequel, such as, insulin resistance (also called prediabetes). Since it is derived from corn, there have been many attempts to market HFCS as all natural. This is far from the truth! Yes it comes from corn, but this is where any association of “all natural” ends. HFCS is made by processing corn sugar through multiple steps that lead not only to a higher percentage of fructose molecules present in the end product but available in the free form (not bonded together with other sugar molecules). This is different than table sugar that contains equal amounts of fructose and glucose, all connected together through chemical bonds. HFCS is therefore a highly processed, unnatural form of sugar that has been developed by man as a cheaper, sweeter alternative to natural cane sugar.

Dr.Valdes patient choosing healthy food options.

Despite all the available information and studies that have repeatedly shown the negative health consequences of HFCS, it still remains the primary sweetener in the food industry today. The question is, why hasn’t the food industry taken steps to remove it? Why hasn’t the FDA or any other government agency taken steps to have it removed? The answer is money, BIG money! HFCS is a cheaper alternative to natural cane or beet sugar and the bottom line is that removing it would lead to less profits.


Instead of removing HFCS from our food supplies, many in the food industry have simply come up with alternative name for HFCS. In fact, the Corn Refiners Association had proposed to the FDA for permission to change the name "high fructose corn syrup" to "corn sugar", because of the growing negative association and awareness to the name HFCS. The name change is a simple game used to confuse us, the consumer, into thinking that specific products do not contain HFCS. The unfortunate truth is that it is hard to find a product, made by man, which does NOT contain HFCS. So buyer beware, we must stay well informed in order to avoid HFCS intake. The following is a list of some alternative names used in the industry today for HFCS.


Hence, whether a product specifically states HFCS or any one of these

alternative names, it contains high fructose corn syrup. The names include, Corn Syrup, Fructose (use to be named HFCS-90), Glucose syrup, Maize Syrup, Glucose/Fructose syrup, Tapioca syrup, Dahila syrup, Fruit Fructose, Crystalline fructose. This is not a complete list but rather some of the more common alternative names used today.

My challenge to you today is to take this article containing some common alternative names given to HFCS and see if you can find just a handful of products that do not contain it. I think you’ll find it will not be an easy task.



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